Sunday, June 8, 2008

Last Day in BoraLand

Date: June 6, 2008

Today is my last day in Bora. I'm going home - at last!

I still worked. Did the same things as I do everyday. Took a look at every phase of work that I supervise. Talked to the people whom I supervise. Told them that I am going home. I told them that I will leave everything to them.

I spent some time with Lennart, well mostly because of the turnover of works. Asked him to take care of everything for me.

I will be leaving the site by 12noon. There is still plenty of time. We spent it watching NBA Finals Celtics-Lakers Game 1, the celtics won.

It is past 12:00 now. I am bound to go. This is my last day in Bora. Today I'm going home.

Today is my last day in Bora...

Well, not quite...I'll be back here by Wednesday. Hehehe!!!

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